“It is my goal that the children being diagnosed with Autism today will not look back and their therapies and say, ‘Why did you do that?’ They are going to say, Thank You!” CEO of Hope Education Jessica Leichtweisz explains purpose of the new Youtube TV Show, Bridge the Gap! <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3> hey guys it’s Jess so I…

Most parents would do anything to help their children. So when one parent says something worked for their child with Autism all parents want to try it. The problem is that every child is different. Most biomedical treatments that people with Autism receive are actually treating comorbid medical conditions, not Autism. The reason that kids improve is they simply feel…

Having a young child with Autism is so hard. Having ANY young child is hard for that matter. In the middle of a struggle, it is temping to believe that it will always be hard. In this video, Jessica shares the simple message, “It wont be so hard forever. <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3> hey guys it’s Jess so this question…

Teaching a child to blow their nose can be really frustrating especially when they have Autism. Children with Autism often have sensory needs that make it more aversive for them to allow an adult to touch their nose to teach them to blow it. Great news! With these strategies, you don’t have to! These simple techniques can make it a…

Verbal behavior seems like the newest buzz word in the world of Autism. Parents ask me almost every day what it is and how it is different from applied behavior analysis (ABA). Truthfully, it is usually used interchangeably. Technically speaking though, it is the part of ABA that teaches children how to use language to communicate. Verbal behavior was developed…

ABOUT SENSORY TAEKWON-DO Sensory Tae-Kwon-Do is a unique Martial Arts program for children on the spectrum. It is a breakthrough martial arts program custom designed based on each child’s neurological profile. The core of this program is extracted from cutting edge neurological studies that incorporate movement exercise to help create healthier pathways in the brain. By stimulating areas in the…

It is so hard to believe that the holiday season is already upon us. This year just flew by. If you are anything like me, standing in long lines at the mall fighting for the best deals is not how you want to spend your holiday. While some people enjoy holiday shopping, for busy moms like yourself who have…

Halloween is many children’s favorite day of the year. However, for children with Autism it can be more spooky than a treat. They are being forced to communicate with potentially dozens of unknown strangers which can be both challenging and stressful. Children with Autism often like routines, may have sensory preferences that make costumes difficult and may not fully understand…

What is food selectivity disorder? A child has food selectivity disorder when they have a very limited selection of foods that they are willing to eat. Having food selectivity disorder is not the same as a child being a picky eater. Usually children with food selectivity wind up being underweight and/or malnourished as a result of eating such limited foods.…

Congratulations! Your child is about to start school. It is exciting, but it can also be scary. Sending any child to school for the first time is hard for any parent, sending a child with special needs to school, especially one that has a difficult time communicating can be even scarier. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to…