ABOUT SENSORY TAEKWON-DO Sensory Tae-Kwon-Do is a unique Martial Arts program for children on the spectrum. It is a breakthrough martial arts program custom designed based on each child’s neurological profile. The core of this program is extracted from cutting edge neurological studies that incorporate movement exercise to help create healthier pathways in the brain. By stimulating areas in the…

Renee Trask has two sons on the Autism spectrum. She shares some of the non traditional things she believes has helped her son. While there is some scientific evidence for all of the things that we discuss in this video, we cannot guarantee that any of the Autism treatments mentioned in this video will help your child with Autism. There…

Are you worried that your child who is not talking may have Autism? There are four signs you look out for to determine whether or not a child is simply delayed in language or is showing early warning signs of Autism. If you see at least two of the four signs in this video, you may want to discuss the…

Have you noticed your child has a language delay and you are wondering if he may be on the Autism Spectrum? There is a ton of information on the signs of Autism. But, the truth is, it is easy to read into something autism symptoms that are not there! Here are 3 Signs, Your Child Probably DOES NOT Have Autism!…