Tag: Autism

What is a behavior trap and how do you use it effectively? (ABA Terms and Definitions) (BCBA Exam Prep)

Guest blog post by Dr. Katherine May, Ed.D., BCBA  Behavior traps are powerful contingencies of reinforcement with four defining features: Clients are “baited” with virtually irresistible reinforcers Only a low effort response already in the clients repertoire is needed to enter the trap Interrelated contingencies of reinforcement inside the trap motivate the student to acquire, extend, and maintain targeted skills…

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What is the difference between respondent and operant conditioning? (ABA Terms) (BCBA Exam Prep)

Behavior falls under two main classes: respondent behavior and operant behavior. As a result, behavior analysts use two main procedures: respondent and operant conditioning.  Respondent Behavior  Respondent behavior is behavior that is caused by stimulus in the environment. The behavior is unlearned and a reflex. A behavior is elicited, unintentional and cannot be controlled.  This was first developed by Watson…

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Defining Characteristics of ABA? (BCBA Exam Prep)

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is not the only science of behavior. Therefore, behavior analysts had to set specific criteria for what makes something ABA. Therefore, in order for something to be considered ABA, it must meet all seven of the following criteria. If any are missing, a treatment would not be considered ABA.  Applied Any behavior being changed in ABA…

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Parametric v. Nonparametric Analysis (ABA Terms) (BCBA Exam Prep)

Parametric analysis Parametric analysis refers to evaluation the intervention (treatment ) or independent variable in an applied behavior analysis (ABA) study or experimental design There are two ways to describe the independent variable: parametric and nonparametric. If an independent variable is nonparametric- it is either on or off. The easiest way to think of this is a light switch. The…

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5 Easy Ways to Encourage Your Child to Request

One of the primary concerns for many parents is to help their children with Autism develop meaningful language. Let’s just face it, communication is one of the most important life skills. If your child cannot communicate their basic needs, they will not be able to tell their teacher if they want a drink of water, tell someone if they need…

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How to Talk to Siblings About Autism

Autism is a difficult but rewarding journey for parents, but what about their other, typically developing children? The siblings of children on the autism spectrum play a very important role in the development of their autistic siblings. Remember siblings are just kids too. Being a sibling of a child with Autism can be a heavy burden for any child to…

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How to Get a Child with Autism to Wear a Mask

Unfortunately, for the foreseeable future, most schools and businesses in the United States are requiring masks.  It seems like almost every day, parents are venting on social media about their children with Autism not being allowed into schools, being kicked off airplanes or being denied entry into entertainment venues because they cannot wear a mask.  According to the National Rehabilitation…

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