Does it feel like every time your child takes a step forward in one area, he takes a step backwards in another? Do you find yourself time and time again being confronted with old behavior problems you thought you had gotten past? Have the strategies that were effective before seemed to stop working? Are you wondering what you are doing…

Let’s face it. Most children with Autism have very limited communication. For some kids, this results in a lot of wanted behaviors — tantrums, crying, hitting, sometimes even self injury. Whether or this sounds like it applies to you, if your child has an Autism diagnosis, at some point they will likely have a behavior plan to help reduce a…

Why Does my Child With Autism have Tantrums for 30 Minutes or More? Find out Why and How YOU CAN HELP! For more FREE resources visit Photo: Morguefile Sound effect: Incomputek Intro: Graeme Kan Video Production: Highlander Productions Disclaimer: This video is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The…