Tag: rbt competency exam

What is a Contingency Contract? (ABA Terms) (BCBA Exam Prep)

 In this brief blog article, we will define a contingency contract and provide examples.  A contingency contract is a written agreement between two people that specifies a behavior that one person agrees to engage in and a reward that another person agrees to give as a result.  When Should You Use a Contingency Contact? You should use a contingency contract…

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What is a superstitious behavior? (ABA Terms) (BCBA Exam Prep)

A superstitious behavior is developed when a behavior is inadvertently reinforced by a behavior that precedes it. In Skinner’s example, pigeons were provided with non-contingent reinforcement in the form of bird seed every fifteen seconds and they developed idiosyncratic behaviors because they the bird seed inadvertently reinforced whatever behavior the pigeon was engaging in prior to getting the food.  Most…

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Why does my ABA therapist ask me for food?

In tonight’s video, i will answer the question every parent eventually asks their ABA therapist. Why does my therapist ask for food! Enjoy and email your questions to [email protected] Credits: Photo: Morguefile Sound effect: Incomputek Intro: Graeme Kan Video Production: Nathan Bedford Disclaimer: This video is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any…

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