Choosing Effective Reinforcers Are Critical to Help Children With Autism Get the Most Out of ABA! In this video, you will learn how to choose reinforcers that are super effective without being distracting! Understanding this topic may save your child hours of learning, lots of frustration and you lots of co-payments! You Want to Tune In! This video is intended…

How to Use a Token Board to Help Children With Autism Increase Compliance in an ABA Session <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3> Use a Token Board to Help Children With Autism Increase Compliance in an ABA Session vqpI9rQkG4k Autism,ABA,Applied Behavior Analysis,Applied Behaviour Analysis,ASD,Education,Special Education,Jessica leichtweisz,Hope Education Services,Tokeb Boards,Reinforcement,Behavior Management,Noncompliance How to Use a Token Board to Help Children With Autism…

In this week’s episode of Unlock the Code Lisa Magiera shares how children with Autism can benefit from karate and how karate teachers can include special needs children in their classes. Lisa began training in the martial arts in 1995. In 1999 she began teaching Karate and soon found that the practice of teaching was her true passion. With the…

Jessica Leichtweisz, CEO of Hope Education Services and Autism and Behavior Expert Shares When a Timeout is a Good Idea and When it is a REALLY Bad Idea! This video is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The text, graphics, images, flash movies, and audio segments are not intended to…

In this week’s video Jessica explains how to use the extinction procedure planned ignoring and what it means to ignore a behavior not a child! Disclaimer: This video is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The text, graphics, images, flash movies, and audio segments are not intended to be a…

13 Year Old Alex Krneta Diagnosed With Cerebral Palsy Shares Why Every Child Deserves a Chance to Show Their Greatness! My name is Alex Krneta. I am 13 years old. This year I am starting high school and If it is OK with you, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I love reading and learning,…

Symbolic Play is an Important Skill For Children With Autism. In this Short Video, Jessica Leichtweisz Will Explain What it is and Explain Why it is an Important Skill for Children with Autism to Learn! Disclaimer: This video is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The text, graphics, images, flash…

You sit on the park bench and wave as your child plays in the sand box. Your child smiles back…. Just then a little girl, who looks to be about the same age as your child, comes to the woman sitting next to you and says, “Mommy, I want juice.” You smile politely but secretly, inside it feels as tho…

What is Maintenance? ABA Terms Defined Did you know that the kids whose parents know the most about ABA and take an active role in their program tend to benefit the most from therapy. In this video series, I will define important ABA terms you need to know to have the important conversations with your therapist that will help your…

Should I Encourage or Discourage Children With Autism From Engaging in Vocal Stereotypy? Parents Parents Like You Ask Me All The Time. There Are Times When Vocal Stereotypy Can Be a Big Problem and There Are Times You Can Use It to Teach Your Child to Talk. Tune in and Find the Difference! Find out in this week’s episode! SUBSCRIBE…