Tag: Speech and language

Is ABA , Applied Behavior Analysis, "The #1 Autism Treatment" Bribery?

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room… What’s the deal.. is ABA just bribing kids to comply? Disclaimer: <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3> Is ABA , Applied Behavior Analysis, "The #1 Autism Treatment" Bribery? v9WfV9-_BO4 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/v9WfV9-_BO4/hqdefault.jpg Autism,ASD,ABA,ABA therapy,Applied behavior analysis,Applied behaviour analysis,autism sepctrum disorder,education,sepcial education,jessica leichtweisz,hope education services,autistic,autism spectrum,asd,Speech and language,Reinforcement,Special ed,Reinforcer,Autism kids,children with autism,learning,language development,spectrum disorder,autism vlog,special needs,this is…

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