Tag: verbal behaviour

What's better ABA therapy or verbal behavior therapy?

Parents ask me all the time which is better, ABA therapy or verbal behavior therapy. Jessica explains in this video and the answer may surprise you! Enjoying these videos? Check out my blog where I go into even more depth on topics just like this one. https://hopeeducationservices.com Struggling with potty training your child with Autism. Download a free resource guide…

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What are the verbal operants and why do they matter?

Verbal behavior seems like the newest buzz word in the world of Autism. Parents ask me almost every day what it is and how it is different from applied behavior analysis (ABA). Truthfully, it is usually used interchangeably. Technically speaking though, it is the part of ABA that teaches children how to use language to communicate. Verbal behavior was developed…

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What's the Difference Between Verbal and Vocal Behavior?

In this short video, Jessica explains the difference between verbal and vocal behavior. Photo: Morguefile Sound effect: Incomputek Intro: Graeme Kan Video Production: Highlander Productions Disclaimer: This video is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The text, graphics, images, flash movies, and audio segments are not intended to be a…

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