Christmas morning is the most wonderful day of the year– right? It can be… or it can send you running for that champagne chilling in your fridge for New Year’s Eve a little early! Let’s be honest — the success of this holiday will be defined by one thing and one thing alone — Will your child tantrum on Christmas…

Making eye contact can be very difficult for children with Autism. This video will teach you some simple steps using the ABA technique shaping that can help your child improve with eye contact over time! It is simple and easy to do and very effective! <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3> [Music] hey guys my name is Jessica likewise I’m the CEO…

Did you know that the kids with Autism who benefit the ABA therapy are the ones whose parents have the best understanding of the techniques used by their therapist. This video is part of a very special series called ABA Terms Defined. It is designed to help parents like you understand the terms your therapist is using so you can…

Choosing Effective Reinforcers Are Critical to Help Children With Autism Get the Most Out of ABA! In this video, you will learn how to choose reinforcers that are super effective without being distracting! Understanding this topic may save your child hours of learning, lots of frustration and you lots of co-payments! You Want to Tune In! This video is intended…

How to Use a Token Board to Help Children With Autism Increase Compliance in an ABA Session <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3> Use a Token Board to Help Children With Autism Increase Compliance in an ABA Session vqpI9rQkG4k Autism,ABA,Applied Behavior Analysis,Applied Behaviour Analysis,ASD,Education,Special Education,Jessica leichtweisz,Hope Education Services,Tokeb Boards,Reinforcement,Behavior Management,Noncompliance How to Use a Token Board to Help Children With Autism…

In this week’s episode of Unlock the Code Lisa Magiera shares how children with Autism can benefit from karate and how karate teachers can include special needs children in their classes. Lisa began training in the martial arts in 1995. In 1999 she began teaching Karate and soon found that the practice of teaching was her true passion. With the…

Jessica Leichtweisz, CEO of Hope Education Services and Autism and Behavior Expert Shares When a Timeout is a Good Idea and When it is a REALLY Bad Idea! This video is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The text, graphics, images, flash movies, and audio segments are not intended to…

In this week’s video Jessica explains how to use the extinction procedure planned ignoring and what it means to ignore a behavior not a child! Disclaimer: This video is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The text, graphics, images, flash movies, and audio segments are not intended to be a…

Symbolic Play is an Important Skill For Children With Autism. In this Short Video, Jessica Leichtweisz Will Explain What it is and Explain Why it is an Important Skill for Children with Autism to Learn! Disclaimer: This video is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The text, graphics, images, flash…

Have you noticed your child has a language delay and you are wondering if he may be on the Autism Spectrum? There is a ton of information on the signs of Autism. But, the truth is, it is easy to read into something autism symptoms that are not there! Here are 3 Signs, Your Child Probably DOES NOT Have Autism!…