Guest Blog Post by Dr. Katherine May, Ed.D., BCBA Sequence Effects vs. Multiple Treatment Interference Overview:Sequence effects occur when the effects of an intervention from one condition carry over into the next condition. Sequence effects are typically the result of a multiple treatment reversal design or a B-A-B reversal design. Sequence effects can skew the data in the following condition…

Guest Blog Post by Dr. Katherine May, Ed.D., BCBA When a behavior intervention consists of multiple components (treatment/behavioral package) and the practitioner manipulates each component to see which one is most effective for the client. A component analysis is an experimental design to identify the active elements of a treatment package, the relative contributions of different components in a treatment…

I am so excited to post this video because it is the question I was asked the most when surveying what would assist parents you like the most! Are you frustrated that your child just keeps repeating you? They can talk but rather than answering questions they are just repeating what you say! While this can be a difficult problem…

ABA is classically thought to help young children with Autism learn to talk. But is it for older learners with more advanced skills? A new video will be posted to this series weekly. Subscribe so you do not miss a video and send video requests or questions to [email protected] Credits: Photo: Morguefile Sound effect: Incomputek Intro: Graeme Kan Video Production:…