You sit on the park bench and wave as your child plays in the sand box. Your child smiles back…. Just then a little girl, who looks to be about the same age as your child, comes to the woman sitting next to you and says, “Mommy, I want juice.” You smile politely but secretly, inside it feels as tho…

A little over a year ago Jessica Leichtwesiz assisted Reneé mom of 2 children with Autism get her young child services before her doctors would even listen when she knew something was wrong with his language development. Reneé attributes how well her son is doing with how early they were able to start getting him they help he requires. As…

In the first video in this series, I explained what ABA is. In this video I will explain how ABA therapist change a behavior. Disclaimer: Credits: A new video will be posted to this series weekly. Subscribe so you do not miss a video and send video requests or questions to [email protected] Credits: Photo: Morguefile Sound effect: Incomputek Intro: Graeme…

ABA therapist frequently discuss the function of a behavior. But why is the function so important anyway? This video will answer this question sent in by a parent just like you! A new video will be posted to this series weekly. Subscribe so you do not miss a video and send video requests or questions to [email protected] Credits: Photo: Morguefile…