Everyday, I help break down a confusing ABA term and put it in plain English! Whether you are studying for your BCBA exam, explaining ABA to parents or are a student, there is no reason to be so confused over ABA terms. While “behavioral language” is very confusing, these concepts don’t have to be. Today we will break down automatic…

A superstitious behavior is developed when a behavior is inadvertently reinforced by a behavior that precedes it. In Skinner’s example, pigeons were provided with non-contingent reinforcement in the form of bird seed every fifteen seconds and they developed idiosyncratic behaviors because they the bird seed inadvertently reinforced whatever behavior the pigeon was engaging in prior to getting the food. Most…

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the most well researched and scientifically validated methods for teaching children with Autism new skills. It is based upon the behavior principle that what happens before a behavior and what happens after a behavior will determine if it happens again. If a person engages in a behavior and they do not get what they want,…

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room… What’s the deal.. is ABA just bribing kids to comply? Disclaimer: <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3> Is ABA , Applied Behavior Analysis, "The #1 Autism Treatment" Bribery? v9WfV9-_BO4 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/v9WfV9-_BO4/hqdefault.jpg Autism,ASD,ABA,ABA therapy,Applied behavior analysis,Applied behaviour analysis,autism sepctrum disorder,education,sepcial education,jessica leichtweisz,hope education services,autistic,autism spectrum,asd,Speech and language,Reinforcement,Special ed,Reinforcer,Autism kids,children with autism,learning,language development,spectrum disorder,autism vlog,special needs,this is…
Does it feel like every time your child learns a new skill, it is not long before you take a step backwards and the strategies you were using stops working? Are you wondering what you are doing wrong or even if you are the problem? I promise, the problem is not you. In this video I share what the problem…

This week’s blog post is based upon a conversation I had this week with a friend who has a young child with Autism. With her permission, I will share a bit of her story. Her son has been fully potty trained for almost six months but recently started having accidents again. It is definitely not a medical issue. It is…

Did you know that the kids with Autism who benefit the ABA therapy are the ones whose parents have the best understanding of the techniques used by their therapist. This video is part of a very special series called ABA Terms Defined. It is designed to help parents like you understand the terms your therapist is using so you can…

How to Use a Token Board to Help Children With Autism Increase Compliance in an ABA Session <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3> Use a Token Board to Help Children With Autism Increase Compliance in an ABA Session vqpI9rQkG4k https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vqpI9rQkG4k/hqdefault.jpg Autism,ABA,Applied Behavior Analysis,Applied Behaviour Analysis,ASD,Education,Special Education,Jessica leichtweisz,Hope Education Services,Tokeb Boards,Reinforcement,Behavior Management,Noncompliance How to Use a Token Board to Help Children With Autism…

Why is my therapist saying she is going to use negative reinforcement when my child isn’t doing something wrong? It makes no sense or does it?!!? Sometimes the concept of punishment versus negative reinforcement can be really confusing. As long as you know what you are supposed to do, it may not matter but, if you are trying to navigate…