Whenever this boy, let’s call him Jack got excited, he always flapped his arms. I was taught to tell him to have quiet hands. Flapping arms is a part of Autism called stimming. As a society, we don’t like when people do it because it is different and different makes us uncomfortable. So, I was taught that to make everyone…

Never invalidate a child’s feelings when managing a behavior Enjoying these videos? Check out my blog where I go into even more depth on topics just like this one. https://hopeeducationservices.com Struggling with potty training your child with Autism. Download a free resource guide at Http://www.autismpottytraining.com Is your child struggling with trying new foods? Download a Free step by step approach…

Jessica Leichtweisz shares tips to help children with Autism more successful in cleaning up their toys. Enjoying these videos? Check out my blog where I go into even more depth on topics just like this one. https://hopeeducationservices.com Struggling with potty training your child with Autism. Download a free resource guide at Http://www.autismpottytraining.com Is your child struggling with trying new foods?…

Almost every parent eventually asks me, “Is it my fault my child has Autism?” My answer is always ….. <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3> Is it my fault my child has Autism? rc2AB5TIJ0g https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rc2AB5TIJ0g/hqdefault.jpg yt,youtube Almost every parent eventually asks me, “Is it my fault my child has Autism?” My answer is always …..

When I first started working with kids with Autism in 2008, adults with Autism would have been born before 1990. Back then only 1 out of every 10,000 people had Autism. There was no community of adults with Autism. Nobody really knew for sure if adults with Autism could go to work or to school or to college. There were…

<br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3> Autism Stories: Interviews with adults with Autism yt,youtube

<br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3> Videos about Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) yt,youtube

This video is about Autism Hero Academy <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3> Autism Hero Academy i-L3EIYNzEA https://i.ytimg.com/vi/i-L3EIYNzEA/hqdefault.jpg yt,youtube This video is about Autism Hero Academy