Whenever this boy, let’s call him Jack got excited, he always flapped his arms. I was taught to tell him to have quiet hands. Flapping arms is a part of Autism called stimming. As a society, we don’t like when people do it because it is different and different makes us uncomfortable. So, I was taught that to make everyone around this child comfortable, I should tell him to have quiet hands.

I was young, barely out of college. I was bullied in high school and didn’t want this boy to experience the same thing. I was learning from some of the best researchers in the world. It made sense and I did it without questioning it.

One day, when I told Jack to have quiet hands, he responded, “Why do you have to put my hands in jail. I wish they could be free like a bird to do what they want.” I then asked him why he flaps his hands. He told me it makes him free and it makes him happy.

I responded how I was taught to respond back then. I told him he couldn’t flap his arms because it was not what people did and he could do something more appropriate that would provide him the same sensation like play the drums. In ABA, this is called DRA or redirection to a functionally equivalent alternative behavior that is more appropriate. It’s a big fancy way of saying to teach kids to do something that makes society feel comfortable instead of what makes them happy.

For years I walked around doing what I was told, trying to take the Autism out of kids. It seemed to make the parents I worked with, the teachers and my supervisors happy. Until, one day, I couldn’t shake the question, “Why can’t I flap my arms?”

Finish reading blog post: https://hopeeducationservices.com/why-cant-jack-flap-his-arms/

Enjoying these videos? Check out my blog where I go into even more depth on topics just like this one. https://hopeeducationservices.com

Struggling with potty training your child with Autism. Download a free resource guide at Http://www.autismpottytraining.com

Is your child struggling with trying new foods? Download a Free step by step approach to encouraging the most picky eaters to try new things! Http://www.justfreakingeatit.com

Is your child with Autism starting school or are you struggling with developing a meaningful connection with your child’s teachers? Download my free e-Book Http://www.schoolwithautism.com

Are you waiting for ABA services for your child to start or would you like to learn how you can help your child get the most out of ABA therapy. Check out my book on Amazon designed to help parents just like you.
https://www.amazon.com/Parents-Introd… <br> <h3>Auto Generated Captions</h3>

hey guys I just wanted to share this
quick story with you
so 14 years ago I can’t believe it’s
been that long but I was doing my
student teaching and I didn’t know
anything right about education and
nothing about autism I had just started
and I was working with his voyage Jack
and Jack used to flap his arms and at
the time you know we were taught that
the goal of really any education program
or any ABA program was to recover kids
from autism and essentially that meant
to remove all the autistic traits that
they had so we were told when kids flap
their arms that we should tell them to
have quiet hands so you know I did what
I was told and one day I told Jack to
have quiet hands and he looked at me and
he said why can’t I flap my arms and I
couldn’t answer that right because the
only real answer to that is like I think
it I think you shouldn’t it makes me
uncomfortable it’s there’s no answer and
I never forgot that and you know for 14
years later I still remember Jack asked
me not and I asked him you know why do
you flap your arms and he said it makes
me feel happy and it makes me feel free
he said I don’t want to put my hands in
jail for you and I just it was so
powerful it was such an instrumental
moment in my life and you know for years
I did ABA for eight years and I
continued to tell kids quiet hands and I
continued to redirect kids stimming but
I never forgot Jack’s message and it’s a
big reason why I opened my own company
so you know in my practice I can do
things the way I want to do it and
personally I don’t believe that children
should modify their behavior to make
other people happy and I wrote his blog
post sharing a little bit more details
about this story and really why I think
that parents should let their kids stem
if they have autism and it makes them
happy and really talking about the only
one time that I would tell parents you
have to stop the behavior so my name is
Jessica likewise if you don’t know who I
am I’m the CEO of hope education
services if you want to read that
article check it out my websites hope
education services calm as of the date
when I’m readiness it is the
last or the most recent blog posts if
you watch this video later on YouTube
then you know you can just find my
website and you can use a search feature
and look for the title it’s called why
can’t Jack flap his arms thanks guys I
look forward to connecting with you
there if you have any questions I’d love
to make a video for you when you get up
on my website they’ll be up form you can
fill out and you can just shoot me an
email all right take care guys bye

Why you should let kids with Autism Stim! 7JgWVpkjpTk

hey guys I just wanted to share this
quick story with you
so 14 years ago I can’t believe it’s
been that long but I was doing my
student teaching and I didn’t know
anything right about education and
nothing about autism I had just started
and I was working with his voyage Jack
and Jack used to flap his arms and at
the time you know we were taught that
the goal of really any education program
or any ABA program was to recover kids
from autism and essentially that meant
to remove all the autistic traits that
they had so we were told when kids flap
their arms that we should tell them to
have quiet hands so you know I did what
I was told and one day I told Jack to
have quiet hands and he looked at me and
he said why can’t I flap my arms and I
couldn’t answer that right because the
only real answer to that is like I think
it I think you shouldn’t it makes me
uncomfortable it’s there’s no answer and
I never forgot that and you know for 14
years later I still remember Jack asked
me not and I asked him you know why do
you flap your arms and he said it makes
me feel happy and it makes me feel free
he said I don’t want to put my hands in
jail for you and I just it was so
powerful it was such an instrumental
moment in my life and you know for years
I did ABA for eight years and I
continued to tell kids quiet hands and I
continued to redirect kids stimming but
I never forgot Jack’s message and it’s a
big reason why I opened my own company
so you know in my practice I can do
things the way I want to do it and
personally I don’t believe that children
should modify their behavior to make
other people happy and I wrote his blog
post sharing a little bit more details
about this story and really why I think
that parents should let their kids stem
if they have autism and it makes them
happy and really talking about the only
one time that I would tell parents you
have to stop the behavior so my name is
Jessica likewise if you don’t know who I
am I’m the CEO of hope education
services if you want to read that
article check it out my websites hope
education services calm as of the date
when I’m readiness it is the
last or the most recent blog posts if
you watch this video later on YouTube
then you know you can just find my
website and you can use a search feature
and look for the title it’s called why
can’t Jack flap his arms thanks guys I
look forward to connecting with you
there if you have any questions I’d love
to make a video for you when you get up
on my website they’ll be up form you can
fill out and you can just shoot me an
email all right take care guys bye

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7JgWVpkjpTk/hqdefault.jpg yt,youtube Whenever this boy, let’s call him Jack got excited, he always flapped his arms. I was taught to tell him to have quiet hands. Flapping arms is a part of Autism called stimming. As a society, we don’t like when people do it because it is different and different makes us uncomfortable. So, I was taught that to make everyone around this child comfortable, I should tell him to have quiet hands.

I was young, barely out of college. I was bullied in high school and didn’t want this boy to experience the same thing. I was learning from some of the best researchers in the world. It made sense and I did it without questioning it.

One day, when I told Jack to have quiet hands, he responded, “Why do you have to put my hands in jail. I wish they could be free like a bird to do what they want.” I then asked him why he flaps his hands. He told me it makes him free and it makes him happy.

I responded how I was taught to respond back then. I told him he couldn’t flap his arms because it was not what people did and he could do something more appropriate that would provide him the same sensation like play the drums. In ABA, this is called DRA or redirection to a functionally equivalent alternative behavior that is more appropriate. It’s a big fancy way of saying to teach kids to do something that makes society feel comfortable instead of what makes them happy.

For years I walked around doing what I was told, trying to take the Autism out of kids. It seemed to make the parents I worked with, the teachers and my supervisors happy. Until, one day, I couldn’t shake the question, “Why can’t I flap my arms?”

Finish reading blog post: https://hopeeducationservices.com/why-cant-jack-flap-his-arms/

Enjoying these videos? Check out my blog where I go into even more depth on topics just like this one. https://hopeeducationservices.com

Struggling with potty training your child with Autism. Download a free resource guide at Http://www.autismpottytraining.com

Is your child struggling with trying new foods? Download a Free step by step approach to encouraging the most picky eaters to try new things! Http://www.justfreakingeatit.com

Is your child with Autism starting school or are you struggling with developing a meaningful connection with your child’s teachers? Download my free e-Book Http://www.schoolwithautism.com

Are you waiting for ABA services for your child to start or would you like to learn how you can help your child get the most out of ABA therapy. Check out my book on Amazon designed to help parents just like you.