Most parents who are concerned about Autism in their young children are initially concerned that they are not talking. However, Autism is about a lot more than not talking. Signs of Autism fall into one of two categories. There are certain things that kids with Autism are supposed to be doing but are not doing. On the other hand, there…

In the world of Autism, one size fits no one. As the popular phrase suggests, if you have met one person with Autism, you have met one person with Autism. Autism is a neurobiological development disorder that manifests in children before the age of three. Autism is a set of neurological differences that is diagnosed behaviorally. Scientists believe that in…

If you are like most parents, the first thing you thought of when your child was diagnosed with Autism is, I am going to fix this. It’s natural. One moment you are a parent and the next moment you are a parent of a special needs child. There is a grieving period that takes place. Your child is not the…

Every child has greatness inside of them including every child with Autism. A child with Autism is different and not less than any other child. Our roles are to work together to help your child to reach his fullest potential, whatever that may be for him. The first thing to know is that children with Autism do best when…