Communication is difficult for all children with Autism. After all, it is part of the criterion for diagnosis. The goal for all parents of children with Autism that they will learn to talk. For many children with Autism, this is possible. However, sometimes talking comes much later for children with Autism than it does for most other children. However, just…
One of the most common complaints I get from parents is that their children can have a great deal of difficulty when out in the community. This can range from something relatively benign like touching things on the shelf or far more serious like running away from parents or throwing themselves on the floor in the street. Frankly, it is…
Let’s face it. Most children with Autism have very limited communication. For some kids, this results in a lot of wanted behaviors — tantrums, crying, hitting, sometimes even self injury. Whether or this sounds like it applies to you, if your child has an Autism diagnosis, at some point they will likely have a behavior plan to help reduce a…
Last week, a parent asked me if ABA was only for children who are aggressive. I promptly answered her with a Facebook Live. Later that day, in a meeting I was asked if ABA was only for younger kids who can’t talk. After being in the field of Autism and using ABA as my main modality of practice, I often…
Christmas morning is the most wonderful day of the year– right? It can be… or it can send you running for that champagne chilling in your fridge for New Year’s Eve a little early! Let’s be honest — the success of this holiday will be defined by one thing and one thing alone — Will your child tantrum on Christmas…
Summer is in full swing! — At least here in the United States! Summer is a time for barbecues with friends and vacations with families. But, traveling with children with Autism is often more daunting than rewarding. Some of my favorite childhood memories are from my family vacations. I am sure you can think of some fond memories yourself. Every…
In simple terms, ABA therapists change a behavior by changing what happens before and after the behavior occurs to make it either more or less likely to occur again. The idea is to make sure when desirable behavior occur, they result in a favorable outcome and when undesirable behaviors occur, they do not result in a favorable outcome. The technical…
You sit on the park bench and wave as your child plays in the sand box. Your child smiles back…. Just then a little girl, who looks to be about the same age as your child, comes to the woman sitting next to you and says, “Mommy, I want juice.” You smile politely but secretly, inside it feels as tho…
One of the mostly common questions parents with a child with Autism asks is what it means that Autism is a Spectrum Disorder. Essentially, it means that every child diagnosed with Autism is different. No two children have the exact same interests, strengths or weaknesses. Some children will develop into talented artists and musicians. Some will excel in math while…
When dealing with tantrums, it always helps to be proactive rather than reactive. Tantrums are unpleasant for everyone, including your child. It is always better to just to avoid them. Us behavior analysts have a fancy term for proactive strategies– antecedent modifications. Antecedent modifications are things that you do before a behavior occurs to make it either more likely or…