In this e-Book Jessica shares the behavioral feeding protocol used by feeding clinics all across the world to introduce new foods to children with food selectivity disorder in simple easy to follow steps.

In this book, Jessica partners with author and Autism father John D. Richmond to share the best way to talk to siblings about Autism from both the perspective of a professional and parent.

In this book, Jessica shares the best way to potty train your child with Autism and includes a free social story as a gift for your family.

In this book Jessica partners with author John D. Richmond to share some of the best strategies for creating a positive and productive relationship with grandparents from both a parent and professional perspective.

In this book, Jessica shares strategies for creating a positive relationship with your child’s teacher while ensuring his safety in school, even if he can’t talk.

In this book, Jessica talks about the increased risk that teens with Autism have for developing depression and anxiety and provides a workbook for teaching teens about self awareness and self esteem.